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Healthcare Environmental Resource Center

HERC provides pollution prevention and environmental compliance assistance information for the healthcare sector. It is intended to be a comprehensive resource, covering all the varieties of hospital wastes, and all the rules that apply to them, including both federal regulations and the specific rules that apply in your state. HERC also includes environmental compliance information for dental offices and assisted living/nursing care communities.

Healthcare Without Harm

Together with our partners around the world, HealthCare Without Harm shares a vision of a healthcare sector that does no harm, and instead promotes the health of people and the environment.  To that end, we are working to implement ecologically sound and healthy alternatives to healthcare practices that pollute the environment and contribute to disease.

Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate

HPHC is comprised of physicians, nurses and allied healthcare providers committed to bringing the voice of healthcare to the public debate on clean energy, fossil fuel related pollution and our changing climate.  HPHC's efforts include academic courses, conferences, legislative action and partnerships.  HPCA won the 2017 Climate Adaption Partnership award from the Minnesota Department of Health.  FFI see Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate's website.

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

The MPCA's healthcare pages contain hazardous waste, including pharmaceutical compliance, wastewater regulatory guidance and links to local compliance resources.

Minnesota Technical Assistance Program

MnTAP is an outreach and assistance program that helps Minnesota businesses develop and implement industry-tailored solutions that prevent pollution at the source, maximize efficient use of resources, and reduce energy use and costs to improve public health and the environment.

My Green Doctor

Is a free service of the Florida Medical Association. My Green Doctor is designed to help any healthcare clinic or office incorporate wise and sustainable environmental practices. They offer guidance on creating an office Green Team and step by step actions with meeting guides and workbooks. They also offer a Green Doctor recognition certificate to proudly share with patients and community.

Practice Greenhealth

Practice Greenhealth is the source for environmental solutions for the healthcare sector and lends support to create better, safer, greener workplaces and communities.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) Healthcare

Recycling & waste reduction: a guide for Wisconsin healthcare 
This guide will help healthcare facilities meet Wisconsin’s recycling law requirements and reap the benefits of applying the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse and recycle. Paying attention to waste pays off because disposal fees, lost resources, energy costs and environmental costs add up quickly.

Additional regulatory and other guidance is available at WI DNR's healthcare pages .